what to expect.

01 / a familiar routine.
We hope brewing with cacao feels natural to you. A pleasant discovery and add on to your experience. Brews like your favourite coffee routines. Tastes like none of those.
02 / even extraction.
We ground our beans meticulous. Without fines, for a balanced, even extraction. So they meet your expected standards for several brew styles. Compatible with your brew routines & hardware.
03 / guidelines more than law.
Our brew guides serve as a good way to start. Do play with them. We decrease water temperature, because cacao (even light roasts) benefits from it. It creates a more 'open' cup and a better flow.
04 / embrace the vibe of slow.
Our ground cacao mostly requires a longer brew than typically for coffee. Don't compare to much, explore.
01 / a familiar routine.
We hope brewing with cacao feels natural to you. A pleasant discovery and add on to your experience. Brews like your favourite coffee routines. Tastes like none of those.
putting filter in orea flat bottom dripper
02 / even extraction.
We ground our beans meticulous. Without fines, for a balanced, even extraction. So they meet your expected standards for several brew styles. Compatible with your brew routines & hardware.
03 / guidelines more than law.
Our brew guides serve as a good way to start. Do play with them. We decrease water temperature, because cacao (even light roasts) benefits from it. It creates a more 'open' cup and a better flow.
traffic light for cyclists
04 / embrace the vibe of slow.
Our ground cacao mostly requires a longer brew than typically for coffee. Don't compare to much, explore.
drinking filter cacao made with chemex on beach

what to expect.

01 / a familiar routine.
We hope brewing with cacao feels natural to you. A pleasant discovery and add on to your experience. Brews like your favourite coffee routines. Tastes like none of those.
putting filter in orea flat bottom dripper
02 / even extraction.
We ground our beans meticulous. Without fines, for a balanced, even extraction. So they meet your expected standards for several brew styles. Compatible with your brew routines & hardware.
03 / guidelines more than law.
Our brew guides serve as a good way to start. Do play with them. We decrease water temperature, because cacao (even light roasts) benefits from it. It creates a more 'open' cup and a better flow.
traffic light for cyclists
04 / embrace the vibe of slow.
Our ground cacao mostly requires a longer brew than typically for coffee. Don't compare to much, explore.
drinking filter cacao made with chemex on beach