Clever Dripper. Hario Switch.

Clever Dripper. Hario Switch.

this is a very straight forward style of brewing, combining immersion & percolation.
it does require a specific brewer like the Hario Switch, Clever Dripper, etc making it possible to open & close the flow. 

20g ground cacao nibs

250g water (use filtered water for the best result)

85°C water temperature

05:30 brew time (or shorter depending on type of water, paper filter, etc.)


. rinse paper filter & preheat brewer/server
. close switch (or place the Clever Dripper next to your server)

. add 250g of heated water into the brewer + tare scale
. add 20g of cacao grounds
. stir grounds vigorously to start extraction 
. start timer
. at 02:30-03:00 break crust if present / light stir of water surface
. at 03:00-03:30 open switch or place Clever Dripper on top of your server

end of brew
. at 05:00-05:30 close switch and remove (even with some brew left in the brewer) 
. you will yield approx 215g of filter cacao 

‘end of brew’ is time-based, not when brewer runs empty
. we recommend not the pass the 05:30 time mark 
. after this time you would extract more bitternes with a dryer mouthfeel 

Our brew guides serve as a good way to start. Do play with them. We decrease water temperature, because cacao (even light roasts) benefits from it. It creates a more 'complex' cup and a better flow. Our filter cacao mostly requires a longer brew than typically for coffee. Don't compare to much, explore.